Welcome to the home of Cliff Douse’s book Mirror Your Music: And Boost Your Creativity. You can buy the book and/or watch tutorial videos here. The book shows how to create unique new tunes out of your existing material by using various mirroring techniques. Animated music notation videos are included so you can see and hear all examples being played. Check out the videos below to learn more about what mirroring does to music.
The book is available as a paperback from Amazon via the universal link below. An eBook (for iPad, large tablets, desktops and laptops) is also available. The eBook is NOT suitable for Kindle e-readers or smart phones. You can choose whether you want the paperback or eBook at the Amazon website. Prices around the world vary according to local currencies.

There are various types of mirroring you can use to create new music out of your existing tunes. These include strict mirroring, diatonic mirroring, negative harmony, retrograde and retrograde inversion. Most of these can easily be done in a MIDI editor in your software studio. This video explains how they work:
Check out how mirroring can change a well-known synth bass sequence into a completely different one:
One of the best ways to appreciate the power of mirroring is to hear it transform a familiar tune into something completely different. The following promotional video illustrates how strict mirroring can transform Auld Lang Syne and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen into very different tunes. It also shows how mirroring can be combined with acoustic guitar strumming and hard rock riffing!
Would you like to hear more? Here’s a short piece titled Lost. It employs original and mirror melodies at the same time to create a feeling of uncertainty. Also check out the beautiful cinematography by David Fortney.
For more videos, please visit the Mirror Your Music YouTube page.
Cliff Douse is a musician and music author. He has written celebrated music tutorial books including Scales & Modes For Guitar and Absolute Beginners Guitar Scales. He has also contributed to many music magazines including Guitar Techniques, Guitarist, Keyboard Review and Computer Music. He is based in the UK.
Mirror Your Music will show you how to quickly generate unique new tunes out of your existing material. Learn how to create alternative phrases, sections and even whole new pieces with just a few mouse clicks in Logic Pro, Cubase, Ableton Live, Studio One, FL Studio, Sibelius, Finale and other DAWs.
The book will enable you to understand the concepts behind the powerful processes of strict mirroring, diatonic mirroring, negative harmony, retrograde and retrograde inversion. Turbocharge your creativity and productivity, and use the easy chord conversion charts to create brand new progressions.
Mirror Your Music is easy to understand. It comes with handy tips and 48 animated music notation videos illustrating the examples featured in the book.
“Brilliant book! I really like the way you explain the techniques. Thanks for making such a great resource!”
Claude Young (Detroit techno pioneer, composer and DJ)
“An interesting take!”
John Carpenter (Legendary director/composer on hearing the mirror image of his Halloween Theme)
“This has already sent me to some previously unexplored chord places!”
Dave Baker (freelance audio engineer)
“Love the book! I’m starting a composition unit with some of my students soon and am going to be showing it to them.”
Simon Barnard (musician, teacher and Guitar Techniques contributor)
“Dig your book!”
Douglas Morton (composer and sound designer)
“Thanks for the great book!”
Forbes Henderson (multi-instrumentalist and former member of Incantation)
“It really does boost creativity. Within a couple of days, I wrote three new songs using the author’s suggestions.”
Zoo Mom (verified Amazon customer)
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